Steel Exterior Doors, Exterior Doors


front door price scaled

            A logical and reasonable question raises in front of any buyer – what is the price of entry door installation? It is becoming especially topical in today’s far from the easisest financial and economic conditions. It is important to note that in order to make a competent decision, it is necessary not only to know the price of the purchased product, but also to clearly understand what is included in it. Otherwise, the savings on the purchase can result in a quick and extremely expensive repair.

What makes the price of a steel door?

A competent answer to the question of how much does it cost to replace a front door in an apartment requires an understanding of the price formation. According to it all the necessary expenses will be taken into account. In most cases, the cost of this work includes:

  • The costs of dismantling the old unit, as well as, if necessary, its disposal;
  • The cost of purchase of a new entrance metal construction;
  • Delivery costs of the product to the place of installation;
  • Installation price of the finished product.

The main feature of the price formation for the installation of a steel door is the fact that the largest share of the cost falls on the purchase of the door structure itself. All other items of expenditure are significantly less and do not play such a significant role. It should be understood that a high-quality and reliable product cannot cost cheap, since it requires a large amount of high-quality modern materials in the manufacture. Therefore, when figuring out the cost of installing an entrance door in an apartment, you should also find out its main operational and technical characteristics and parameters.

How much does it cost to install an entrance door?

When collecting information about how much a good front door to an apartment costs, it should be borne in mind that all such structures are divided, depending on the price, into three main groups. The first category, which is budgetary, includes products at a price of up to $200-500. At the same time, purchasing such doors from a reliable and serious manufacturer, the client can be sure that they fully comply with the requirements and standards existing today.

The second group includes comfort-class steel entrance doors. They cost in the range of $500-1000 and at the same time provide a fairly reliable level of security for a country house or apartment where they will be installed. They are typically designed with up to 5 stiffeners, two locks and a variety of finishes at the customer’s choice.

The most expensive steel entrance doors are included in the group of elite and VIP designs. They, as a rule, are much more expensive than $1200, and the upper limit of the cost is set only by the client’s imagination and his financial capabilities. In most cases, such products have an original and extremely stylish finish, which can include various forged elements, mirror and glass inserts, decorative coating made from solid wood of the best species, etc.

Front door installation price

Quite often, the owner of the apartment decides to assemble the purchased front door by himself. It is quite possible to perform such work on your own. However, it should be understood that small savings can turn into quite serious expenses for correcting errors made during installation. Therefore, the owner must either carefully and thoroughly comply with the requirements of the installation technology, or seek help from specialists.

Today on the market there are quite a large number of companies and individual entrepreneurs offering services for the installation of steel entrance doors. However, it is much more competent to apply for installation directly at the store where you buy the piece. In general, most experts recommend concluding an agreement not for the purchase of a product, but for a full range of services, from dismantling the old structure and ending with warranty service for the installed new one.