How To Open A Door Lock Without A Key
When we go out for a walk, to the store or just to take out the trash, we lock the front door. A spare key is usually left at home because one set is enough to get into the apartment. However, it happens that the door is slammed when you are already outside, and the keys are in the hallway. This situation requires opening the door lock.
Difficulties with entering into the room can also arise in the case when the lock mechanism is jammed, the key breaks off and remains in the keyhole, the interior door remains locked.
What to do in such a situation?
An employee of the management company will help to open the door lock so as not to knock out the slabs, but he can ruin the door frame or fittings. Not everyone is ready to break the whole door due to a small malfunction.
You can contact the emergency service, whose specialists have professional skills, bring a set of tools. Your door will remain intact. Remember: the master will first require a document confirming your ownership or ID, which indicates registration at an existing address. If you are unable to provide documentary evidence of the right to enter the house, the emergency service officer must call the police.
When there are no housing documents in your purse, do not want to wait for the master, open the lock without a key yourself.
How to open a door without a key?
It is easy to cope with the entrance or interior design by following the tips.
When a piece of key remains in the keyhole, you need to:
- Put a couple of drops of machine oil or similar lubricant into the mechanism with a thin nozzle.
- Wait a few minutes for the product to spread over the debris.
- Use pliers or tweezers to hook the protruding end and pull, slightly shaking the rest.
- If the end does not stick out, fix it by clamping it on both sides with thin sharp knitting needles (you can use an awl, thick, long needles), and pull it towards you.
- The chip must be taken to the master for the manufacture of a duplicate.
- Open the door with a duplicate key.
How to open an interior door with improvised means?
The latch also closes on the interior box. This can happen by accident or because of children’s games. It is easy to cope with the problem, since interior structures are equipped with simple locks.
Here is what you can do in this situation:
- Insert an awl, a wire from a paper clip, a pin or a knitting needle into the cylinder of a round keyhole.
- With an oblong shape, a flat screwdriver, a knife, a metal nail file will do.
- While pressing on the tool inserted into the cylinder, gradually turn the handle until the slab is open.
- You can open the door with an ordinary plastic card, inserting it between the latch and the striker and gently pushing the latch out of the groove.
With two-sided wells, in one of which the key remains, solving the problem is even easier:
- Slide paper or newspaper under the door.
- Use a sharp object to push the key through the cylinder so that it falls onto the newspaper.
- Return the piece of paper.
- Unlock the door.
How to open the front door yourself?
It is difficult to open a mortise cylinder lock mechanism without damage, but you can try using a master key or a straightened paper clip with a curved tip. Insert the tool into the cylinder, lifting the pins one by one into the correct position. The guideline is your hearing. This is very complicated, so another option might come in handy:
- Insert a flathead screwdriver deep into the connector.
- Turn it around inside.
- By pulling out the screwdriver, the secret will also be removed.
- If the method is not successful, drill the cylinder with a drill until you have drilled the whole secret. Next, the cylinder is pulled out, the slab opens. You can screw a self-tapping screw into the cylinder and remove it with a nail puller along with the cylinder.
A little about other types of locking mechanisms
How to deal with the lever mechanism? The primary task is to remove the pin responsible for moving the levers. You can drill it out or try to pick up the position of the levers with one master key, and insert the second one all the way into the main board. If you drilled a pin, then turn the straightened paper clip with a bent end inside the hole. So you can easily open the door.
A padlock that closes pantries, garages, is easy to crack if the keys are lost. Grab both arms with open-end wrenches so that they touch, pull the free ends towards each other. The lock will break near the latch.
Please note that it will not be possible to open a metal structure equipped with burglary protection using these methods, so it is better to contact the emergency service. In any case, you should not panic if you lose your keys. If you do not have a tool, you are afraid to completely ruin the design, call the master. A professional approach to opening locks will allow you to get by with just replacing fittings or making duplicate keys.