Interior Doors

Laminated Doors – Perfect Option to Save Your Budget

Laminated Doors New York

If your budget is limited, and you want to see beautiful and reliable interior doors in your house, then pay attention to laminated slabs. Currently, all domestic and foreign manufacturers produce these type of doors. The manufacturing process consists in applying to the surface of the material from which the door is made. The finish is called “laminate”, which is characterized by high temperature sticks to the base and protects the surface from external factors.

Laminated Doors New Jersey
Laminated Doors New Jersey

Laminated doors

Laminate is made from sheet paper impregnated with thermosetting resins. The high temperature value of these resistant protection resins is emphasized, for which neither moisture, nor aggressive environments, nor temperature expectations are terrible.

Thanks to the high technology of the paper base, it can have any texture, whether it be valuable types of wood, or stone, or fabric. Laminate can have a glossy, matte, plain surface that does not require additional processing. Products from it are very beautiful and do not require special care.

In terms of their stable quality, interior laminated doors are never inferior to their counterparts from other materials. And some of them are even superior. So, for example, unlike natural wood, they are more resistant to mechanical stress, scratches, chips, which is especially important in rooms – offices, hospitals, and hotels.

Laminated Doors New York
Laminated Doors New York

Laminated door design

In the manufacture of laminated doors, careful quality control is carried out at all stages of production. All materials used have certificates that guarantee sanitary and environmental safety during operation, so you should not be afraid to use these products in your home.

These doors are very economical. This is ensured by the use of porous chipboard or cardboard honeycombs as a frame filler, due to which the entire structure is smooth. And laminatin itself is much cheaper than natural veneer.

If even higher sound insulation and reduced thermal conductivity are added to this quality, then it becomes obvious why these doors are so important.

Disadvantages of laminated doors
– no repair in case of serious damage
– too gentle surface

Benefits of laminated doors
– consistency of textures and colors of all components, regardless of batch
– high moisture resistance
– ease of care- can be cleaned with household chemicals
– high resistance to mechanical stress
– low price

Of the domestic manufacturers producing products of this type, there are several showrooms that enjoy a well-deserved reputation. Ours, Doors Plus Windows, is one of them.

It is recommended to entrust the installation of laminated doors to experienced, specially trained qualified installers. In this case, new products will last for many years, decorating your interior and delighting with their beauty and grace.